Newborn Baby Essentials On A Budget

Newborn Baby Essentials On A Budget

So, you are expecting a baby. Congratulations! You may be asking yourself “what do I really need for a newborn?” There are a lot of “must-have” baby products out there that you don’t actually need during the first 3 months of your baby’s life. I’ve created this checklist of newborn baby essentials on a budget… that you’ll actually use.

I have 4 lovely daughters – the youngest just celebrated her 1st birthday. So, I have plenty of experience determining what baby gear best helps out new moms. Any products that save you time and money are a big bonus too.

I’ve broken down the list into categories – newborn sleep items, feeding necessities, baby bath time, clothing, nursery items, and baby travel essentials. As well, I thrown in some tips at the end to help you afford a baby on a tight budget.

Here is a checklist of the baby items I couldn’t have done without when my daughters were newborns – the baby gear I used every day!

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Newborn Baby Essentials On A Budget
Newborn Baby Essentials On A Budget - 20 Must Have Items For New Moms
Newborn Baby Essentials On A Budget - Must Have Checklist 0 - 3 Months
Newborn Baby Essentials - 20 must have items you will use everyday.

Baby Essentials – First Three Months

1) Diapers

Your baby will pee and poop – no way around that!

My 2nd oldest daughter, pooped every-time I nursed her, which made for loads (pun intended) of diaper changes per day. In order to prevent diaper rash for your baby, try and change the diaper every time it is wet or soiled – except at night when you can load-up the bum with diaper rash cream and let baby sleep.

With all my girls, I used disposable diapers. I stuck with the brand name diapers, and used either Pampers or Huggies. I tried using no-name diapers a few times with my first baby, but they leaked – with diapers I really think you get what you pay for.

There are now also eco-friendly disposable diaper options that are better for the environment.

There is some debate as to which diaper option is genuinely more eco-friendly. Disposable diapers use trees and plastics, and take up space in landfills. Cloth diapers require water and electricity for frequent washings.

If you want to do your part for the environment and protect your budget, you can save money by using cloth diapers.

If you are going to wash every day, you can start with 18 diapers. Or, you can double the number of diapers and wash every other day. Start off with about 24 flat diapers and 4 one-size covers, and see how things go.

Save up to 10% with GroVia Cloth Diaper Bundles!

Disposable Diaper VS Cloth Diaper Price Comparison

Disposable DiapersCloth DiapersCloth Diapers + Laundering Service
Cost Per Baby For 2 Years$2000 – $3000$800 – $1000$2500 – $2800
Disposable Versus Cloth Diaper Price Comparison Table

Keep in mind too that you can reuse cloth diapers on any new siblings that come along later.

2) Diaper Changing Accessories

Wipes – you will need baby wipes to clean your babies’ bum. I prefer these hypo-allergenic wipes for sensitive skin. Or you could just use a washcloth.

Diaper Rash CreamVaseline and Penaten diaper rash cream help to protect your baby from getting an irritating rash. I use Penotin Cream overnight or if my baby is getting a rash.

Diaper Genie – this baby product isn’t essential but very handy to have for storing dirty diapers so they don’t stink-up your house in the garbage can.

Read: How To Budget For A New Baby – First Year Checklist

Newborn Baby Sleeping Essentials

During the first few months of life your baby will sleep in many places – in your arms, in your bed, in a bouncer chair, a baby swing, a stroller, bassinet, a pack’n play, or a crib. As long as they are safe, it really doesn’t matter.

Please don’t stress yourself out worrying about putting your baby to bed in a crib. You can’t spoil them. I drove myself nuts with my first daughter reading “expert advice” about how to get her to sleep in her crib. With my next 3 girls, I went with my instincts and we co-slept in my bed.

Still, you will need a place for your baby to nap and sleep overnight when you both are ready.

3) Crib

I was fortunate in that my mother-in-law offered to by us a crib and change table set for our first baby. The nursery set was pricey but has lasted us through 4 kids – so well worth the investment. You’ll also need to buy a crib mattress and a few crib sheets.

Tip – An optional, but useful, item is a mattress protector. If your baby has a diaper leak during sleep it is easier to pop the mattress protector into your washing machine than to have to scrub down the mattress.

You can also find baby cribs that convert into a toddler bed when your child is ready for a “big-girl/boy bed.” I never purchased a toddler bed for our girls – they went straight from their crib to a regular twin or Queen-sized bed.

4) Pack’N Play

I know families who have foregone a traditional crib altogether and just used the less expensive Pack’N Play. A Pack’N Play is a portable playpen/crib that is easy to fold-down and travel with. I’ve used them for naps while visiting my parents and on holidays.

They are much smaller than a traditional crib so your baby will outgrow it more quickly. I used our Graco Pack’N Play with attached bassinet as a crib, change-table, and baby storage station in our living room.

5) Swaddling Blankets

Newborn babies often enjoy the comfort and security of being swaddled. It reminds them of being in your womb and also helps them sleep for longer periods of time. All 4 of my girls slept swaddled until they were old enough to break free and roll over on their tummies.

How to safely swaddle a newborn baby.

I’ve used cotton receiving blankets with pretty patterns to swaddle as well as these swaddling blankets. Both work well. The good thing about receiving blankets is that they have many other uses – blankets for warmth, cleaning up spit-ups, privacy during breastfeeding, and for laying baby down during diaper changes or tummy-time.

Breastfeeding Gear

Nursing your baby really is the most wonderful bonding experience. The nutrition breastmilk provides your infant benefits his/her health and helps shrink your body back to it’s pre-pregnancy form.

Plus it is free and very convenient. There are only a few breastfeeding essentials I relied upon.

Read: 6 To 12 Month Baby Essential On A Budget

6) Nursing Bra

Two or three nursing bras or nursing tanks will do you just fine. My absolute favourites are this soft, cotton nursing bra and these nursing tanks. They are built to last – again holding firm (again with the puns) through 4 pregnancies.

Tip – find a super comfy nursing bra to sleep in. Your breasts will leak overnight as they get full and I preferred wearing a bra with nursing pads than having my clothes and mattress get wet.

See Bravado Designs Body Silk Nursing Bra on Amazon

7) Nursing Pads

These pad are my favourite. They are highly absorbent and adhere well to my nursing bras.

See Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads on Amazon

8) Nursing Pillow

This baby item is a back-saver. You are going to spend hours sitting on the couch holding your baby while he/she eats and sleeps. A nursing pillow helps hold baby steady and relieves the strain in your arms and shoulders. You can also use it to cradle your baby and prop up their head to look around.

See Boppy Nursing Pillow on Amazon

9) Nipple Cream

During the first few weeks of breastfeeding, apply a dab of nipple cream after you nurse. It helps to prevent cracked nipples and keep skin soft. One tube is probably all you will ever need.

If you intend to return to work before your baby is weaned, or if you want the extra freedom of having someone else be able to bottle-feed your baby, then you will need a breast pump. You can purchase one or rent one from a pharmacy.

As well, you will need baby bottles and nipples. Being Canadian, I was lucky to have a generous maternity leave and was able to nurse exclusively. When my babies were about 5 months old they learned to drink water from a sippy cup with their solid food.

Read: How To Prepare Your Finances For A New Baby In Canada

Belly Bandit offers the top post-pregnancy collection to new moms.

Newborn Travel Gear

10) Infant Car Seat

If you own a vehicle and use your car to get around, you will need a car seat for your baby. We’ve always used the Graco Snug Ride Infant Car Seat for all our girls. Your baby can use an infant car seat until they are about 1-year-old and 22 lbs. After they outgrow their infant car seat, you will need a rear-facing convertible car seat. That will do until your child is at least 4’9” tall and is no longer legally required to use one.

See Graco Snug Ride Infant Car Seat on Amazon

Car Seat Extras – I used this bunting bag in the car seat to keep my babies warm during the colder months. However, safety recommendations say they can interfere with the effectiveness of the car seat harness.

A car seat canopy is useful for blocking the sunshine or wind from touching your baby. Keeping your baby covered in her car seat also helps her sleep longer as she naps in the car or stroller. However, you can always just use a baby blanket instead.

Read: How To Choose Between The 12 And 18 Month Parental Leave

11) Stroller

Many stroller sets will come with an infant car seat and stroller combination. I’ve only ever used one stroller and that is the BOB Revolution Jogging Stroller. It comes with an attachable bar that allows you to insert our Graco Infant Car Seat. I absolutely love this stroller. It is extremely easy to maneuver – I can steer it with only 2-fingers. I live in Canada and use this stroller to navigate snowy sidewalks as well as shopping mall crowds. Most good strollers are pricey, but mine has lasted me through 4 kids – well worth the investment.

Whichever stroller you choose, make certain it has rubber tires – they last longer and make for a smoother ride for a sleeping baby!

Read our article, Best Baby Strollers On A Budget, for a list of 6 great strollers for $500 or less.

See Bob Revolution Jogging Stroller on Amazon

Tip – Buying A High Quality, Used Stroller – New parents can save a lot of money by purchasing a stroller used. You can search buy & sell websites for families who are reselling their stroller.

For our readers in the United States, The Stroller Store is a buy and sell online platform that helps families find certified pre-owned strollers. On their website you can find UPPAbaby, Nuna, Bugaboo, and other premium strollers for more than 1/2 their original price. The company will provide a safety check, professional cleaning, and 120 day warranty on any stroller you purchase through their store. They also resell Happiest Baby Snoo Bassinets too.

60% off Certified Pre-owned Certified Pre-owned Strollers.

12) Baby Carrier

Every baby is different, and for my first 3 daughters riding in our Baby Bjorn baby carrier instantly put them to sleep. I had a guaranteed sleeping newborn when I started walking with my baby in her carrier! Plus my hands were free.

Walking with my babies in the carrier is how I lost the baby weight (that plus breastfeeding).

Once babies get past the newborn stage, they love to face outward in the carrier and look around at the world. Carriers provide both comfort and interaction for curious babies.

I’ve heard good things about the Ergobaby All-In-One Carrier because you can wear your baby on your front, hip, or back.

See BABYBJORN Baby Carrier on Amazon

Baby Bath Essentials

13) Baby Bathtub

Using a baby bath designed to fit a newborn, and growing, baby makes bath-time safer and easier. You should never leave your babies’ side during his bath, but when they are bathing in their own tub you can use an extra hand to reach for the baby shampoo or towel.

We used the Fisher Price Rinse’N Grow Tub. The bath has 3 stages -each stage has provided just the right amount of comfort and safety for my daughters..

The 3rd stage has a toddler seat, which helps my 1-year-old not slip when she starts splashing around.

See Fisher-Price Rinse ‘n Grow Tub on Amazon

Baby Health Essentials

14) Vitamin D Drops

Your pediatrician will tell you that your baby needs one drop of these vitamin D drops per day to support growth and brain development. I would put a drop on my nipple or on my babies’ pacifier before she started sucking.

15) Grooming Kit

Newborns are born with surprisingly long finger nails and will scratch themselves if you don’t trim them. You will need a pair of small, safety nail trimmers for their delicate fingers and toes. I sometimes just used a nail file to smooth out the sharp edges of the nail so it wouldn’t scratch.

As well, a soft baby hair brush is gentle enough for babies’ soft scalp and helps to remove any cradle-cap (dry skin) on their heads.

Tip – Breastmilk is effective for removing cradle cap on babies. Just put some on the scalp and let it soak in. Then gently rub off the dry skin with a wet washcloth or brush.

Read: How To Make A Family Budget – Budget Planning Spreadsheet

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Baby Play & Rest Items

There is a endless amount of baby toys and gadgets you can buy to entertain and support your baby. Below, I will list which items I found useful for my girls. The only product I found truly essential though is our Bouncer Chair.

16) Bouncer Chair

If my newborn girls weren’t in my arms or napping in their crib, they were often in our bouncer chair. It is portable and a super place to safely put baby down while you cook, have a shower, take a pee, anything requiring hands-free. Plus, my baby girls all loved it.

The Fisher Price Snugabunny Bouncer is a good value for a bouncer chair because 1 chair lasted us through 4 children!

The toys hang low enough for older babies to touch and the toy bar is removable for naps.

There is also a vibration feature to help calm a fussy baby.

Other Useful Baby Toys

Baby Swing – You don’t really know until your baby arrives if he/she will love to play in a baby swing. I bought the Fisher Price Cradle’ N Swing for my babies and 3 out of 4 of them loved it. In fact, my 3rd daughter had most of her naps in this swing.

The gentle back and forth movement helped her sleep, along with the lullabies and nature sounds the swing plays. While awake, my daughters enjoyed looking at and touching the hanging toys.

Play Mat – Newborn babies enjoy looking at the bright, bold colours on baby play mats such as this Rainforest Music & Lights gym. Reaching out and touching the hanging toys helps babies with hand-eye coordination and small motor skills.

Must-Have Nursery Items

17) Baby Monitor

You can either use an audio baby monitor or a video baby monitor. With my first three daughters we had a V-Tech audio baby monitor. With my 4th, I bought this Motorola Video baby monitor.

I much prefer the video monitor simply because I can see my daughter while she sleeps. If she makes a noise, I can tell if she is really awake before I go into her room. Plus it provides me with peace of mind that she is safe where ever she is napping.

See Motorola Video Baby Monitor on Amazon

18) White Noise Machine

I have always sworn by using a sound machine with all my babies. That being said, I’ve sometimes substituted with a standing fan or the hum of a cool-mist humidifier running in the nursery.

I just find it helps to drown out the other noises in the house while baby sleeps. This doesn’t matter so much during the first couple of months when most babies can sleep through anything. But, once they become more alert and aware of their surroundings, I find that using a white noise machine helped my daughters sleep longer.

In fact, they all still sleep with some sort of soft background noise in their bedrooms.

19) Change Table Pad

If you have a dresser you can use in the baby’s room, it’s cheaper to just buy a change table pad that rests on-top of it. You can also just set the changing pad on the floor.

This contoured changing pad fits on top of a standard dresser, is waterproof and there’s a strap to attach it to furniture. The sides slope upwards to prevent baby from rolling over.

Shop Essential Everyday Nursing Wear at

Save 10% off your order at UnderCover Mama with my code SAVE10.

20) Clothing

Newborn babies grow very quickly – one day your favourite onesie will fit them and the next it will be too snug. So, I recommend not investing too much in newborn baby clothes.

For the first few weeks of their lives, my girls lived in zippered sleepers (easier to undo during diaper changes) and a few onesie & pants outfits. Depending upon how often you want to do laundry, you should be able to get by with 3-4 sleepers and 5 onesie sets. I like Finn & Emma baby organic cotton clothes or baby clothing from Carter’s. The clothes are super-soft and fit well I find.

Use the code AFFILIATE10 to get 10% off your order at Finn & Emma.

organic baby clothes

Tips To Save Money On Baby Items

According to MoneySense, raising a child will set you back a startling $243,660 from infancy to adulthood. That works out to more than $12,825 a year, if you include everything from swaddling blankets to sparkly heels for prom.

In case you were doing the math in your head, a baby costs on average $1098 per month.

For a complete breakdown of where all that money will go from birth to age 18 see MoneySense’s The Real Cost Of Raising Kids.

Here are 3 easy tips to help you save money when shopping for your newborn.

Make A Baby Budget

Read How To Budget For A New Baby for a complete guide to help new parents save money and prepare a practical first year baby budget.

I’ve created this printable baby budget planner to help parents organize all the baby items they will need. There’s a checklist that itemizes all the clothing and products to have for babies arrival. As well, you’ll get a baby budget spreadsheet to help you keep track of your spending.

Fill out the quick form below and you’ll receive both printable worksheets in your inbox. We don’t spam!

Get The New Baby Budget Planner

Use this printable package to create a baby budget for your family. Includes everything you need to prepare financially for your newborn. The spreadsheet is divided into specific categories for all your baby essential items. Use the baby on a budget checklist to make certain you’re ready for the Big Day!

New Baby Budget Planner

Shop Used When You can

Buying used baby gear is a great way to save money and protect the environment.

You can shop garage sales, look on buy & sell websites, check-out mom to mom swap sales, or look in thrift stores.

Babies outgrow their clothing and toys so quickly that you can find used baby stuff that looks practically brand new. I have some baby clothes that my 1-year-old only wore once or twice before she outgrew them.

We also bought a baby glider through for $100 – much less than the store price.

However, there are some baby essentials that you shouldn’t get used.

Infant car seats have a manufacturer expiry date (usually 5 years), after which they are no longer safe to use. Also, if a car seat has been in a vehicle that was involved in an accident, it is unsafe.

If you don’t have plans to have anymore kids, you can resell the same baby clothes and gear when your baby is done with them.

Read: Smart Ways To Save Money On Back To School Expenses

Before You Buy, Sign Up For Rakuten

For the baby items that you do buy new, make sure you use a cash-back site, such as Rakuten. They will pay you cash-back on every purchase you make! Shopping through Rakuten means you get paid money for buying items online at stores you already shop at.

Rakuten will give you up to 40% off when you buy through sites like Amazon and Ebay. It’s free to sign up and you’ll get $5 (Canadian residents) to $10 (U.S. residents) when you make your first purchase of $25 or more.

I hope this article helped answer “what is the bare minimum you need for a newborn baby”? For such tiny creatures, it really is amazing how much baby stuff they need. However, you will do just fine with the above list of baby essentials necessary for the first three months.

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Newborn baby essentials on a budget


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5 thoughts on “Newborn Baby Essentials On A Budget”

    1. We have a crib and a Pack’N Play too, but mainly just use the crib now. The PNP is still handy for those nap-time and overnight visits with family. I’m glad you found the article useful. I remember being overwhelmed shopping for my first baby…so much stuff you don’t really need!

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